Not Sure If Your Telecom Compliance Plan Is Sufficient?

Every business with an outbound call center must establish a telemarketing compliance plan. While DCDial can provide you with the integrated call center software you require, you must understand which laws and regulations specifically apply to you.

We suggest you seek legal counsel to outline compliance requirements for both National FTC and International DNC compliance. Without a clear understanding of your compliance requirements, you put your business at risk of fines as steep as $10,000 per incident.

Additional Telecom Compliance Resources

FTC, FCC, and DNC laws and regulations vary greatly depending upon the nature of your outreach. Work with your attorney to determine your compliance criteria, which can be established with the help of the links below.

FTC Website:
DNC Registry:
FCC Website:
DNC Rules:

FTC Website:
FCC Website:
DNC Registry:
DNC Rules:

Are You DNC And FTC Exempt?

Many of DCDial’s clients are exempt, but determining your exemption status is your responsibility. A few common exceptions include outbound calls from:

Banks, federal credit unions, and federal savings and loans.
Non-profit organizations — those entities not organized to carry on business for their own, or their members’, profit.
Calls are not considered “unsolicited” when placed by consumers in response to a prerecorded call. If a seller or telemarketer “upsells” a consumer during an unsolicited call initiated by the consumer, the upsell is covered by the TSR. This includes:
Calls made in response to general media advertising (with some important exceptions).
Calls made in response to direct mail advertising (with some important exceptions).
When making hotel, airline, car rental, or similar reservations.
Contact a department store or charity without prompting from an advertisement or solicitation.

Calls made in response to general media advertising (with some important exceptions).
Calls made in response to direct mail advertising (with some important exceptions).
When making hotel, airline, car rental, or similar reservations.
Contact a department store or charity without prompting from an advertisement or solicitation.

Additional Exemption Resources

The resources below will help you to determine if DNC compliance and scrubbing is required, or if you should instead register for the National DNC exempt organization.

The FTC Act at 15 U.S.C. §§ 41-58 and related case law.
The Communications Act at 47 U.S.C. §§ 151-757 and related case law.
The Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) at 47 USC §227 and related case law.
The Telemarketing and Consumer Fraud Abuse Prevention Act at 15 U.S.C. §§ 6101-6108.
The Do Not Call Implementation Act at P.L.108-10, 117 Stat. 557, and related case law.
The Telemarketing Sales Rule at 16 C.F.R. § 310 and related Agency statements and case law.
The FCC’s rules implementing the TCPA at 47 C.F.R. § 64.1200 and related Agency statements.

Ethical and compliant use of our DCDial software is your sole responsibility. If you accidentally submitted your business to the DNC as an exempt organization, simply contact our help desk today to withdraw your subscription.